Remote jobs are a new era and a new reality in the labor market across the world. Employees want to have the flexibility that home provides but also earn enough money to support their families. In other words, remote work mode should not affect their salary at all.
COVID-19 affected every industry and every company in a unique way. At the same time, a series of lockdowns prove that people can be quite effective working from home. There is no need to rent an office and push them to work. Collaboration can also be achieved through modern means of communication.
Moreover, remote work is a trend now. Go online and check how many people look for remote jobs rather than office-based ones. This refers to all kinds of specialists – from yesterday’s graduate student to a successful financial manager with a 10-year career.
This is why there is a need to discuss how you can land a job if your goal is to work remotely. It’s quite simple. To get more interviews, you should cover your professionalism and explain why remote work is better for you in your resume.
But what should those who have no experience do?
To craft a winning CV in this case, we asked professional CV service for help. After all, you still need a bot-beating resume, but it should lead recruiters in the right direction from the very first lines.
Here you go!
Advice #1: Do Not Give Up
If you don’t have any work experience, this is not a reason why your resume may be rejected. It will be, though, if you forget to utilize the main resume writing rules.
As for the job application process, there is no difference between looking for a regular office job and online employment. You still have to cover all bases, explain your key skills, and list your accomplishments to make sure you stand out from the crowd.
Advice #2: Work Is Not the Only Accomplishment You Have In Your Arsenal
Many young people falsely assume that a resume is used to cover work experience and nothing else. Your resume is a document that describes all your achievements. Only you decide which ones are significant enough to help you in the job search.
Nevertheless, if you don’t have any work experience, think of your volunteer service or community involvement. Some of them helped you develop skills needed by the remote occupations you are interested in.
Advice #3: Use Keywords From the Targeted Job Descriptions
Resume writing practices remain the same even if we talk about resumes with no experience. You still need to use the relevant keywords for your document to go through the filters.
If you have no previous experiences to incorporate them into, use Skills or Summary sections for this. List some skills that you have in your arsenal but cannot prove by real-life experience. Think about how you will apply those skills if you land a job. Write these career expectations in your resume.
Advice #4: Do Have a Cover Letter
For people with no experience, cover letters are probably even more important than the resume itself. Cover letters allow you to be less formal when telling your story. Here, you can explain why you don’t have any experience yet and what you are going to do about it.
A great cover letter is your ticket to an interview and high-paying remote jobs. You have to make recruiters believe that you are going to go the extra mile if you are getting employed. Individuals with ambitions and dedication always attract hiring managers.
Advice #5: Tailor Your Resume to Each Remote Job Position
When you craft your resume, you don’t get a universal document to be sent out to every job posting. On the contrary, resumes and cover letters are living documents. That means you should adjust them based on every new targeted job description you see.
You’ll have to make sure you use relevant keywords for every online job you are targeting. Yes, this might be time-consuming. However, this strategy will help you get more interviews and finally land the job of your dream.
Advice #6: Search for Jobs in Different Markets
If you are interested in remote job opportunities, you are not limited by your country’s market only. You can easily become a member of a virtual international team. This is why your knowledge of different languages is highly appreciated.
Look for remote occupations in English-speaking countries. Analyze what key skills they are looking for and try to make sure that you fit those requirements. You’ll definitely find what you are looking for, even if your experience is limited.

Advice #7: Reach Out to Individuals via LinkedIn
Job search for remote positions is very personalized. Quite often, you may see a person from LinkedIn calling for applications for a remote position. If you don’t find anything that fits you, you can reach out to them directly. It’s often the case that they have some jobs in store for you.
Remote employment always tests your personal skills more than professional ones. You can be a guru who is totally unable to work in a virtual environment. Or, on the contrary, you may have no experience but be a great addition to a team. Recruiters don’t want to waste their time on the first group of candidates. They look for you instead.
To sum it up, all of your attitude – and documents – should reflect your personal skillset to make sure that hiring managers and recruiters want to interview you.